

Sometimes the views just aren't there I did not climb up to the top of Dragons Tooth today, too wet and rainy for me, plus the fog didn't give a view. Also hit 700 miles today!  Ended the day with some incredible trail magic  Sunrise tomorrow at McAfee 👀


Probably the best day on trail Woke up at 3:30 this morning to catch the sunrise on McAfee Knob and it did not disappoint, definitely my favorite view and sunrise of the trail Had some more miles to get into town, had a killer pulled pork salad. Last resupply on trail. Ran into some day hikers, one of them had a son who hiked the trail so she gave me an oatmeal cookie, didn't remember to take a picture till the last bite.  To top it all off, when we left town, we also hit 1/3rd of the way to Katahdin,  Had no idea that I would be able to make it this far, but definitely surprised and happy that I did Until tomorrow 🤙  See ya lovelies 


Resupply, then back to the trail 🥲 Had a blast at Coles Aunt's, sad to leave as usual, but should probably get a couple more miles in this last week Absolutely beautiful weather today, it's starting to get pretty hot  Nothing too eventful, got real close to some dear within 10 ft of the trail. Packed out a delicious Italian sub with a bag of chips for dinner. Headed to dragons tooth tomorrow  Until then 🤙 See ya lovelies 😘


What a glorious zero day, we slept in, had an incredible breakfast, waffles, eggs, bacon and fresh fruit.  Spent the day relaxing, drinking, and brainstorming mileage for my final week on trail.  Resupply tomorrow, then an easy 4 miles back in trail  See ya 😘


Town dayyyyyyy Our lovely tramily member Cole, is picking us up today to spend two nights at his Aunt's in Christensburg Virginia. So naturally, we woke up at the crack of dawn to get 10 miles in early.  First stop was the brewery in town, had some nice vodka seltzers Showered, laundry, ate some delicious BBQ thanks to Coles uncle. Even drank an IPA that didn't taste awful. Tasted more like orange juice Big day of nothing tomorrow, excited to take a zero  Until tomorrow 🤙


Sorry for the delay in posting 😯 didn't post for a while because it wasn't a priority for me on trail. I did get off trail finally and am back in Dover as planned. But for the time being I'm going to post one a day.  Very easy day today, met some new people, Podcasts and Leaf. Got to camp early and was able to take a river bath in a nice pool of water.  Definitely hottest day on trail so far, not a lot of water either so that was a struggle carrying the extra weight.  Found this cool rock formation, not a bad spot for lunch but I was determined to stop at the view  Don't mind my thumb Getting off trail tomorrow for a couple nights while we stay at Coles Aunt's. Which means I had to start saying goodbye to some of the people we've been hiking around and have seen at the shelters lately. Starting to dread eventually getting off trail Until tomorrow 🌱 See y


Morning was super hazy and foggy this morning. It turned out to be a beautiful day. We resupplied then took a shuttle back out to the trail. Had this mountain house meal for dinner and it was the best dehydrated meal this entire trip.  See ya lovelies