
Travel day

Drive down to the airport with Mom, Dad and Shannon, jealous that they were getting donuts and hanging with Miguel after. 

Plane got delayed for some reason beyond my comprehension, gave me plenty of time to charge my devices and watch one of the best movies of all time 
Sat across the aisle from a really cute baby, not as cute as Miguel obviously
Had myself a Pepsi (JetBlue doesn't do coke apparently ...) And bacardi, and slept as well as the baby next to me. 

Amanda from the Grateful hiker picked me up where she drove me and a Canadian to the start of the AT. We listened to a quick 10 minute leave no trace talk, officially registered and learned how to properly throw our bear bag. 

Spent the rest of the night chatting around the campfire with "Karma" somebody who has hiked  the AT 4 times before. Got some great advice, are some ramen, brushed my teeth and settled in for the night. 
Cheers to the rest of the journey 

See ya lovelies ;)


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